Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Soul of Things


How is it a stranger
Can know you for a moment
And call out pretty closely
What it takes years to name
Why is it so to tell yourself the truth
To see into the soul of things

See you hopes your fears
The oughts the shoulds the habits
The unseen puppeteers
That pull you on the stage
Why is it so to tell yourself the truth
To see into the soul of things

What a mystery your very heart
Held inside you and known in part
Held inside you and known in part

Memory grows rigid
Playing in the loops
Running my resentments
And all my well worn proofs
It’s hard to get a witness even when I’m there
To see into the soul of things

What a mystery your very heart
Held inside you and known in part
Held inside you and known in part

Somewhere in the vast
Waters of my mind
A memory resurfaced
I’m looking in your eyes
You are trying to tell me
A better way to see
Into the soul of things
Into the soul of things

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Cheshire Cat


We were reading something boring
Busy bees and crocodiles
Sleepy on a sunny morning
Watching all the clouds go by
When the edges started slipping
Rabbit said he might be late
How did I get here dripping
Running in a caucus race

Just when I can’t take anymore
I see the moon’s a Cheshire cat
Just when I can’t take anymore
I’m having tea with the madness

Now I’m too big or too little
Fixing it’s no piece of cake
Reasoning with caterpillars
Not feeling like myself these days
Wish I could sit at the table
Someone yells no room no room
Everywhere galère enabled
Sneaky pens and nom de plumes

Just when I can’t take anymore
I see the moon’s a Cheshire cat
Just when I can’t take anymore
I’m having tea with the madness

Not feeling like myself these days
Fixing it’s no piece of cake
Not feeling like myself these days
Oh no no no
Oh no no no

Just when I can’t take anymore
I see the moon’s a Cheshire cat
Just when I can’t take anymore
I’m having tea with the madness
You say it makes no sense to
Paint the roses red
Next thing you know they’re
Chopping off your head
I’m waiting for true testimony
I’m waiting for the facts
I thought the rabbit had my back

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Deal Breaker


Hey, can you picture us on the other side
With detritus and wreckage far and wide
Are we crossing over no man’s land
Are we patting backs and shaking hands

I always thought with you and me
Though it’s not on paper
There would never be
A deal breaker

We’re both deciding what we can abide
Holding our tongues and speaking our minds
We’re living out our daily liturgies
Praying-in our different dreams

I always thought with you and me
Though it’s not on paper
There would never be
A deal breaker

And there’s grief like a black bird
Ever present in the sky
And I can feel all our distance
And the hidden reasons why
But some days I can see us
And we’re soft and reconciled

Last night we walked along the riverbed
Listened closely for what’s not being said
Last night I dreamt of jubilee
New beginnings as far as the eye can see

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson



Forgiveness is a tour of duty
Is a hall of mirrors
Is a haunted house
And I held it till it burrowed through me
Til it hit the bone
Had to let it out
I want to let you in
Even now a new beginning
Even now a new beginning

All the courage even small
To set the boundary
To set the bone
To be tough and vulnerable
Not to bear it all alone
I want to let you in
Feel the howl and the hymn
Feel the howl and the hymn

I have to break the seal of this warm interior
Set out across the field of landmine and cold
Say I won’t be everything for myself
For every good a threshold
For every good a threshold

I forgot, then remembered
It’s so strange what makes it through
It’s so heavy what we carry
On our way to rendezvous
I want to let you in
With a wild abandonment
With a wild abandonment

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Remains of the Day


All this time you were a statue of gold
We gathered round to behold you center of gravity
All this time you held the honey in your hand
The only keys to understanding
Holy charisma

All this time you were reflected in the faces of the people I love
All the faces of the people that I love
All my life you had that chair up on the stage
That crazy chair that you had made
Holy charisma

Could I be noble
Could I still be brave
With the weeds and the wheat
The roosting birds of prey
What do I do with these
Remains of the day these remains of the day

All this time what was I defending
The velvet box or the actual ring
What is the real thing
All this time I gave the measure I could give
I gave a full measure
Where did it all go

Could I be noble
Could I still be brave
With the weeds and the wheat
The roosting birds of prey
What do I do with these
Remains of the day these remains of the day

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Telltale Heart


All is well, the past is in the past
The memory is blurry
Lots of things to point out if you’re asked
The sound and the fury
Smile and welcome in the guests
See the fork is on the left
There are bodies in the basement
Laughing at a joke too soon
Gliding through the living room
Hear the beating of the drum

It’s testimony time
It’s testimony time

Tell-tale heart is pounding through the floor
The memory is stirring
All the truth is hidden in the lore
The themes are recurring
Smile and welcome in the guests
See the fork is on the left
There are bodies in the basement
Laughing at a joke too soon
Gliding through the living room
Hear the beating of the drum

It’s testimony time
It’s testimony time
It’s testimony time
It’s testimony time

Smile and welcome in the guests
See the fork is on the left
There are bodies in the basement
Laughing at a joke too soon
Gliding through the living room
Hear the beating of the drum

It’s testimony time
It’s testimony time
It’s testimony time
It’s testimony time

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Reach Inside


We were born after the last great war
Came around after some big regrets
No way to download the brutal scars
Try to tell a newborn baby don’t forget

We saw the last witness dying
We made a movie of her life
It had us laughing and crying
But it didn’t reach inside

Here we are among the tents of war
The blustering the escalating talk
Hear the call to put down insurrection
Men of peace are pushed down on the walk

We see the last witness standing
We made a movie of his life
It was okay, a bit demanding
But it didn’t reach inside

Every war’s a civil war
If all men are brothers
And terror has no reasoner
When everyman’s an other

Where’s the blood meridian
Where’s the apex of the war
By the time we feel our violence
We have gone too far
We have gone too far

Gather round your cross of execution
Pass the peace and pass the bread
What do you remember when you take the cup
What do you forget

We see the last witness dying
We made a movie
It had us laughing and crying
But it couldn’t reach inside

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson



Nothing you’ve got nothing
How can that be right
Didn’t I inspire
Words in you tonight
Did they try to come out did you save em up
For another time

We joke, you’re stoic
That’s just the way you are
We say, we know it
There’s more there in your heart
Still I would be lying if I didn’t say
It would be nice

Sometimes it’s not about you
What is and is not your style
Would you fight your demons
For me once in a while
I say I don’t need words and that’s true
Most of the time

I like to believe
You’ve been catching all the words in a net
One day you will let loose
With a speech we won’t forget
All the words will go flying
And it will be something
And it will be something

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Past The Wishing


I'm standing at the foot of this mountain
Wishing so bad that I could touch that sky
But in the time it takes to make my wish
I never take a step and I never try

I wish that I were closer to Jesus
But not enough to get me out of bed
For an early morning prayer before the
Rushes of my life take me instead

I'm past the wishing
Past the wishing
Past the wishing

I'm gazing in these deep well waters
Where the pennies of my life have all been cast
I've decided I am going to save my money
To do something that lasts

You've shown me my man of Macedonia
You're calling me further on
And I'm tired of saying it's a nice idea
I wish it could be done

I'm past the wishing
Past the wishing
Past the wishing

I don't wish that I could go I am going
I don't wish that I could be I am being
I don't wish that I could do it I am doing
By the grace of God I am doing

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Everyday Miracles


It's the everyday miracles that keep my hope alive
It's the way You move in little things that helps me survive
And I know You move in greater ways
But this is great enough for me
What You do with my everyday is amazing

The things that seem impossible, I lay down at Your feet
And just when I am needing most You are there for me
And I know you've made the lame to walk
And caused the blind to see
But what You do with my everyday is amazing

When I'm down on my knees
And I can't make it through
When it's up to me
It's really up to You

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Stir My Heart


If time were ever to wear you away
If circumstance should blind me
If age should bring a dark night on my soul
If fear and doubt should bind me

Please stir my heart
Take me back to the fire
Bring to me a recollection of joy
Renew my first desire

If pains and trials come to me
And I cannot stand strong
If fools adjust my theories
To believe Your truth is wrong

I swear it never will happen to me
But how can I know
For Peter swore the same to Thee
O, hear the cock crow

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson



Call it what you will I call it rain
When troubles come and pat against my soul
Go in if you like, I will remain
And let the washing waters make me whole

Just when I’m sure that I can't bear the rain
A tiny leaf starts pushing through the ground
In a place where the ground was too dry to sustain it
A new tiny flower can be found

Once I was stuck I thought things would never change
As I watched a cloud pass through the sky
Right before my eyes it took a different shape
And I knew, so were the clouds in my own life

I see Him in the rain
I feel Him wash away
What I do not understand
So new life can spring up once again

The flowers come to show
That all that rain was helping me to grow

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Song of Solomon


Disenchanted love and an intimacy that's broken
The symbol of all trust, used to self-gratify
In the middle of it all Solomon is singing
You are my bride, my perfect one

Sweet song of Solomon
Remind us of love much purer than our own
Sweet song of Solomon
Remind us of love much purer than our own

The goodness of human love is taken for granted
We turn it into a lust that tears us apart
We give up God's gifts for dust and ashes
And blame him for the pain growing in our hearts

Keep on singing Solomon
Keep on singing Solomon
I'm for you and you're for me and we've been set apart
Place me like a seal over your heart

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Help Me Be New


God is doing a work in me
He's walking through my rooms and hails
Checking every corner
Tearing down the unsafe walls
And letting in the light

I am working hard
To clean my house and set it straight
To not let pride get in the way
To catch an eternal vision of
What I am to become

Will you help me be new
Will you hold me to the promises
That I have made
Will you let me be new
Forgive my old self and my old mistakes

It seems easier
Living out my life in Christ
For those who do not know me
To hide the thorns stuck in my side
And all my secret faults

But you know me well
And it's you I want the most to see
And recognize the changes
A word from you empowers me
To press on for my goal

When I feel condemned to live my old life
Remind me I've been given a new life in Christ

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson



Dress down your pretty faith, give me something real
Leave out the Thee and Thou and speak to me now
Speak to my pain and confusion
Speak through my fears and my pride
Speak to the part of me that knows I'm something deep down inside

I know that I'm not perfect, but compare me to most
In a world of hurt in a world of anger I think I'm holding my own
And I know that you've said there is more to life
No I am not satisfied
But there are mornings I wake up and I’m just thankful to be alive

I've known for quite a while that I am not whole
I've remembered the body and the mind, but dissected the soul
Now something inside is awakening
Like a dream I once had and forgot
And it's something I'm scared of and something I don't want to stop

I woke up this morning and realized
Jesus is not a portrait
Or stained glass windows
Or hymns
Or all the tradition that surrounds us

I thought it would be hard to believe in, but it's not hard at all
To believe I've sinned
And fallen short
Of the glory of God

He's not asking me to change in my joy for martyrdom
He's asking to take my place
To stand in the gap that I have formed
With His real amazing grace

And it's not just a sign or a sacrament
It's not just a metaphor for love
The blood is real and it's not just a symbol of our faith

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson



So proud and excited that I by myself
had reached such a lofty place
I took the last step towards my ultimate goal
but clumsily fell on my face

I opened my eyes only to find
I was back at the place I had begun
Helpless and broken I strained and cried out
Surely the enemy has won

But I felt His peace that passes understanding
Grace that is never ending
Love that overflows my soul

As I wallowed in self-pity
He came to sit with me there
His presence alone was so rich and so deep
It chased away all my despair

I said Lord please forgive me for my prideful heart
It sneaks in before I know
He said What prideful heart, He forgave and forgot
He said How I want you to know

Now daily I humble myself at His feet
I make His desire my will
For He has taken me higher than I have ever been
And He's taking me higher still

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Glory Comes Down


It didn't take me too long to find
The chains You just had freed me from
I got so used to having them on
I didn't know how to live in freedom

This can't be, no it can't be
What You have intended for me
This can't be, no it can’t be
What You have intended for me

Glory come down
Sent from Your holy place
Come cleanse us now
Sovereign and Holy Come make us holy now

What is it in the nature of man
That draws us away from our purpose
To despise the things of God
And love the things that hurt us

This can't be, no it can't be
What You have intended for us
This can't be, no it can not be
What You have intended for us

Straight from your holy place
Lord make us holy
As You are holy
Lord send it down
Just a little bit of heaven here on earth
Lord send Your glory

Lord we need You,
Lord I love You,
Thank You Jesus.

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Strangely Ready


Brought me to a spot at the edge of town
Pointed to the fading light
Said you had a plan for a plot of ground
Left me kind of starry-eyed

I'm strangely ready for what comes next
I'm strangely ready
It's hard to describe cause it makes no sense.
I'm strangely ready for what comes next.

Every indication is contrary
That this will ever come to life.
Still every little hope is alive in me
A fire burning in the night

I'm strangely ready for what comes next
I'm strangely ready
It's hard to describe cause it makes no sense.
I'm strangely ready for what comes next.

Count it faith, I got up.
Nothing left for me yet but a longing with trust.
Was it faith? I don't know.
You just lifted and led me and I had to go.
Now I'm strangely ready.

A vision in the sky
A fire in the night
You said you'll do your part if I'll do mine
Now I'm strangely ready

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Blessed Be The Tie


Words by John Fawcett

Before our Father’s throne
We pour out ardent prayer
Our fears and hopes are one
Our comforts and our cares

Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts
In Christian love

We share each other’s woes
Our common burdens bear
And often for each other
A sympathizing tear

Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts
In Christian love

Oh a kindred heart!
It’s like heaven above
It’s like heaven

Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts
In Christian love.

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Ben Johnson Ben Johnson

Lay It Down


Songwriters: Aaron Fabbrini, Ben Gowell, Sara Groves

Oh we’ll never be short on people
Who will never be short on trouble
It’s a well worn path so how on earth can we feel alone

Why carry on your own what’s coming to all men?
Why drag your bag of bones to hell and back again?
Why carry on your own what’s coming to all men?
Look around, lay it down, lay it down.

We’ll never be short on good news
Or somebody to tell our story to
And we’ll never be short on redemption
And light for the dark

Why carry on your own what’s coming to all men?
Why drag your bag of bones to hell and back again?
Why carry on your own what’s coming to all men?
Look around, lay it down, lay it down.

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